
学生健康 provides on-campus medical treatment for minor illness or injury and offers preventative health services.


刻度盘 911 In the event of an immediate life-threatening crisis.
Provide clear directions to your precise location.


Point-of-care diagnostic tests can also be performed on-site for many ailments including, 喉炎的症状, 莫诺, 流感, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 验尿, 葡萄糖, 血红蛋白, 和怀孕. Specimens requiring additional evaluation will be sent to a lab or the student may be directed to Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center for outpatient testing. The clinical staff will administer immunizations, 注射过敏, and other injections as ordered by a healthcare provider.

The 学生健康 staff includes an administrative assistant, 持牌执业护士, 注册护士, 和一个医师助理. Physician Clinics are offered four mornings each week. The 学生健康 office is in the Parsons Center annex of Sutcliffe Hall on College Street. 

预约: 859.238.5530




新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗地点 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Vaccine recommendations 

Shutterstock image of student wearing mask and students in class behind her wearing masks



简而言之, after being ill with a Respiratory Viral Infection including 流感, RSV and 新型冠状病毒肺炎 the CDC is recommending you can go back to normal activity if your symptoms have been improving and you have not had a fever for at least 24 hours. They are also recommending to consider physical distancing, 卫生, masks and testing for the next 5 days.

Shutterstock image for medications

药物,测试 & 疫苗

Medications, tests, and vaccines are offered at or near cost. Students may pay at the time of their visit or have the charges applied to their student account. There is no “office visit” charge whether they see a nurse, PA, or MD.

Shutterstock image for insurance card


The 学生健康 office does not file insurance. It is important that insurance information is kept on file in case diagnostic tests are ordered or the student is sent to the ER. All students should keep their health insurance information updated by uploading a copy of their insurance card to the patient portal.

Classroom with Centre students listening to professor


The student should be seen prior to a missed assignment (paper due, 项目, 演讲, 考试或实验室. An excuse will be sent to the appropriate faculty member once approved by the PA or MD. Missed classes that do not involve a graded assignment or lab should be discussed with the professor. See the Student Handbook for more information.


Consider Keeping Meds Protected




There are products available that can be used to deactivate/make meds unusable so that they can be thrown away in the trash. Some pharmacies will make this product available when filling your prescription. Some pharmacies will take back unused medication.

学生健康 Services has a limited supply of DisposeRX packets that are available to students. Stop by during regular hours to request.



Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:00pm

